Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor are considered for publication (subject to editing and abridgment) provided they do not contain material that has been submitted or published elsewhere. Submission of a Letter to the Editor constitutes permission for the IJDRP to use it in the various print and electronic publications and any other form or medium. Letters accepted for publication will appear on the website at IJDRP.org.
IJDRP requests the following when submitting Letters to the Editor.
Letters in reference to Journal articles
- May include up to 175 words (title, references, and author signatures are not counted toward total)
- Must be received within four weeks after publication of article referenced
- May be shared with article authors
Letters not related to Journal articles
- May include up to 400 words (title, references, and author signatures are not counted toward total)
All letters
- May be signed by up to three (3) authors
- May include up to five (5) references and one (1) figure or table
- May list only one (1) institutional
Letters to the Editor must include
- Email address for each author
- Disclosure of all financial associations or other possible conflicts of interest (to be published with the letter) for each author
Submit your letter
- Register and login to the IJDRP.org;
- Select "Submit" and then "Make a New Submission";
- Select the article type, give the relevant information requested, and submit.
- Letter authors will receive email messages acknowledging receipt of their submissions and will be notified when decisions have been made about possible publication.