Medical Humanities

Author Guidelines for IJDRP Medical Humanities Submissions

Medical Humanities submissions must in some way relate to disease reversal and prevention, however, this can be broadly interpreted. Our Medical Humanities editorial staff will review all submissions and select 1-3 submissions to publish per edition. We look forward to reviewing your work. We seek original, previously unpublished, creative submissions of all kinds, including

  1. Poetry

Length limit: 50 lines

  1. Personal vignettes: Personal vignettes are essays that typically describe some aspect of the practitioner-patient relationship or clinical encounter. These vignettes may also relay a personal story of the practitioner’s own experiences working in the field or the evolution of their practice. If a patient is described in the manuscript, they must be unidentifiable. If they are in any way personally identifiable, you must complete a Patient Permission form, which provides consent for publication.

Length limit: 1500 words

  1. Reflective essays: Examples of reflective essays may include reflections on the intersection between art and medicine, the history of medicine, the philosophy of medicine, medical ethics, the intersection of psychology and disease reversal and prevention, or other topics.

Length limit: 1800 words 

  1. Book reviews: We accept reviews on popular books that focus on disease reversal and prevention and that were published within 1 year of the submission deadline. Please email the IJDRP’s Medical Humanities Section Editor ( or for approval of book prior to submission of book review.

Length limit: 1500 words

  1. Visual art of any medium, including graphic design, painting, drawings, and photography.

Consent for Publication of Identifying Material in International Journal of Disease Reversal and Prevention 

I give my permission for the following material to appear in the print, online, and licensed versions of the International Journal of Disease Reversal and Prevention. 

I agree to hold harmless the IJDRP, its staff, board, leadership, and editors for any result of the publication of this material.

Title or subject of article, poem, photograph, or other submission:




I understand that my name will not be published but that complete anonymity cannot be guaranteed.                                  

Please check only 1 box below after reading each statement.                                         

[  ]  I have read the manuscript or a general description of what the manuscript contains and reviewed all photographs, illustrations, or other forms of multimedia in which I am included that will be published.                                       

[  ]  I have been offered the opportunity to read the manuscript and to see all photographs, illustrations, video, or audio files (if included) in which I am included, but I waive my right to do so.


______________________________________          __________________

Signed                                                                                   Date



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